divendres, 21 d’octubre del 2011

To Bombay a travelling circus came /A Bombay Un circo ambulante llegó
They brought an intelligent elephant /Ellos trajeron un elefante intelegente
and Nellie was her name /Y Nellie era su nombre

One drak night/Una nit fosca
she slipt her iron chain, and of she ran/que la seva cadena de ferro, i que va córrer
and off she ran to Hindustan and was never seen again /fins a la Índia i mai va ser vist de nou


Nellie the elephant packed her trunk/Nellie l'elefant paquet del seu tronc
and said goodbye to the circus/va dir adéu al circ
off she rode with a trumpety trump/que la carretera amb un triomf triomf
trump trump trump/triomf de triomf de triomf
Nellie the elephant packed her trunk/Nellie l'elefant ple del seu tronc
and trundled off to the jungle/i trumbled de la selva
off she rode with a trumpety trump/que la carretera amb un triomf thrumety
trump trump trump/triomf de triomf de triomf

Night by night she danced to the circus band/Nit rere nit va ballar amb la banda del circ
When Nellie was leading the big parade/Quan Nellie estava dirigint la gran desfilada she looked so proud and grand/es veia molt orgullosa i gran

No more tricks for Nellie to perform/No més trucs perqueNellie Realitzem
They taught her how to take a bow/Se li va ensenyar a fer una reverencia
and she took the crowd by storm/ i es Took al públic per la tempesta

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