divendres, 25 de novembre del 2011

The animal in me

The animal in me is a parrot.
because parrot is talk every moment
and the parrot is very beautiful.
i like parrot because the colors are very funny. In general the parrot is very funny.

divendres, 21 d’octubre del 2011

To Bombay a travelling circus came /A Bombay Un circo ambulante llegó
They brought an intelligent elephant /Ellos trajeron un elefante intelegente
and Nellie was her name /Y Nellie era su nombre

One drak night/Una nit fosca
she slipt her iron chain, and of she ran/que la seva cadena de ferro, i que va córrer
and off she ran to Hindustan and was never seen again /fins a la Índia i mai va ser vist de nou


Nellie the elephant packed her trunk/Nellie l'elefant paquet del seu tronc
and said goodbye to the circus/va dir adéu al circ
off she rode with a trumpety trump/que la carretera amb un triomf triomf
trump trump trump/triomf de triomf de triomf
Nellie the elephant packed her trunk/Nellie l'elefant ple del seu tronc
and trundled off to the jungle/i trumbled de la selva
off she rode with a trumpety trump/que la carretera amb un triomf thrumety
trump trump trump/triomf de triomf de triomf

Night by night she danced to the circus band/Nit rere nit va ballar amb la banda del circ
When Nellie was leading the big parade/Quan Nellie estava dirigint la gran desfilada she looked so proud and grand/es veia molt orgullosa i gran

No more tricks for Nellie to perform/No més trucs perqueNellie Realitzem
They taught her how to take a bow/Se li va ensenyar a fer una reverencia
and she took the crowd by storm/ i es Took al públic per la tempesta

divendres, 30 de setembre del 2011

My dreams

My dream always has been play football, I like this sport.
but my father doesn't like football,
Because is many hours away the house.
But for solve study every day, and my father let me play football.
I played football in figueres team.

diumenge, 29 de maig del 2011

Romeo and Juliet chapter 1

When was the song written?

The song was written in september of 1996.

Who sang it first?

The song was sung for the first time by Jonathan Larson.

Was it a big hit?

Yes, if it was.

Any other interesting info? (records, interviews, photos, facebook page, ...)

The song is often associated with World AIDS Day and AIDS. The song is traditionally performed at the end of the annual Dublin Internaional Gay Theatre Festival.
The show is the second season aimed to gather donations for the victims of Malaria and HIV.
The song has been translated into multiple languages for the international productions of the musical.

What is the meaning of this song? Write the translation of the lyrics. In 20 words, what is the song about?

The song tell about the love. The song tries to transmite that the only matters in the live is the love.

Prepare an activity with the song for the class.

5 difficult words:

Above-->per sobre de
Spread--> propagació

Lyrics of the song

Five hundred twenty-five thousand / Cinc-cents vint i cinc mil
Six hundred minutes, / Sis-cents minuts,
Five hundred twenty-five thousand / Cinc-cents vint i cinc mil
Moments so dear. / Moments tan estimats.
Five hundred twenty-five thousand / Cinc-cents vint i cinc mil
Six hundred minutes / Sis-cents minuts
How do you measure, measure a year ? / Com es pot mesurar, mesurar un any?

In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights / En llums del dia, en postes de sol, en mitjanits
In cups of coffee / En tasses de cafè
In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife. /
En polzades, en milles, en el riure, en la contesa.
In five hundred twenty-five thousand / En 525.000

Six hundred minutes / Sis-cents

How do you measure /
Com es mesura
A year in the life? /
Un any en la vida?

How about love? / Què tal l'amor?
How about love? /
Què tal l'amor?
How about love? Measure in love /
Què tal l'amor? Mesura en l'amor
Seasons of love. Seasons of love /
Estacions de l'amor. Estacions de l'amor

Five hundred twenty-five thousand / Cinc-cents vint i cinc mil
Six hundred minutes! /
Sis-cents minuts!
Five hundred twenty-five thousand /
Cinc-cents vint i cinc mil
Journeys to plan. /
Viatges amb el pla.

Five hundred twenty-five thousand / Cinc-cents vint i cinc mil
Six hundred minutes /
Sis-cents minuts
How do you measure the life /
Com es mesura la vida
Of a woman or a man? /
D'una dona o un home?

In truths that she learned, / En les veritats que havia après,
Or in times that he cried. /
O en els temps que va plorar.
In bridges he burned, /
En ponts es van cremar,
Or the way that she died. /
O la forma en què ella va morir.


It's time now to sing out, / Ara és el moment, de cantar

Though the story never ends / Encara que la història mai acaba

Let's celebrate / Anem a celebrar

Remember a year in the life of friends / Recordeu un any de vida amb amics

Remember the love! / Recorda que l'amor
Remember the love! / Recorda que l'amor
Seasons of love! / Estacions de l'amor

JOANNE(while ALL sing)

Oh you got to got to/ Oh, has d'arribar a
Remember the love! /Recorda que l'amor
You know that love is a gift from up above /
Tu saps que l'amor és un do de dalt
Share love, give love spread love /Compartir l'amor, donar amor difondre l'amor
Measure measure your life in love./Mesura de mesurar la seva vida en l'amor

diumenge, 20 de febrer del 2011

Romeo & Juliet: eternal lovers on St Valentine day

1.What do you know about Romeo and Juliet?

-I know that it's a love story about two young gays who fall in love.

2.Where did they live?

-They lived in Verona, Italy.

3.What were their family names?

-The family's Juliet called Capulet and the family's Romeo called.

4.Who wrote the story?

-The story was written by William Shakespeare.

5.When was the story written?

-The story was written in 1597.

6. What is the source of this story(origin)?

-For the creation of Romeo and Juliet, Shakeaspeare was based on several elements for a long tradition of tragic stories about love. The plot focuses on desagreements between the parents of the young lovers and the false belief by Pyramus.

7. Is it a comedy or a tragedy? why?

-It's a tragedy because at the end, the lover gays died.

8. Is a similar story possible today? Justify your answer.

-No it isn't, because I think that anyone can fell in love at the first sight and marry in two days, knowing that their families are enemies, and because today few people could die for another person.

New Year resolutions